Discipline procedures are exercised at two levels

1. Prevention

Strategies encouraging the development of personal responsibility and self-discipline are an integral part of our School Welfare Policy.

2. Conflict Management

Disruptive behavior is responded to quickly, effectively and positively. Green Valley has clear procedures to resolve conflicts constructively as they arise:

  • The class teacher attempts, to resolve the problem with the student concerned. If the student remains uncooperative, he/she may be sent to the appropriate coordinator.
  • The co-ordinator is called upon to attempt to resolve the issue. This may involve a formal “incident report”, time-out, conduct card, detention or further interview with the teacher concerned and student.
  • An interview with parents and co-ordinator is then arranged to negotiate a solution. The Student Welfare Coordinator may be involved at this point.
  • If the problem has not been satisfactorily resolved, the Vice-Principal or the Principal may be called in to continue negotiations.
  • If the problem persists, and parents, students and school are unsuccessful in finding a solution, the student may be officially suspended, according to Education Department Regulations.
  • The School believes that suspension is a serious disciplinary measure, and as such a suspension may be called off at any time during the suspension of that student, or at other appropriate times.
  • In emergency situations, when immediate intervention is required, the above steps may be bypassed on authority from the Principal, and where necessary the Principal may permanently exclude a student from the school where:
    1. The student knowingly perpetrates significant violence; or
    2. The student is knowingly involved in extreme behavior which threatens the safety and well- being of members of the school community or the good order of the school’s program or facility.


Teachers’ Responsibility

  • To show care and concern for each individual student.
  • To treat all students with consistency and fairness.
  • To be prepared for class.
  • To be punctual to class and in other duties.
  • To provide careful supervision of students.
  • To regularly inform students of their progress and to return set work promptly.
  • To communicate with parents when appropriate.
  • To support and co-operate with one another.
  • To support the current school policies and procedures.


The school provides pick up and drop facility for all students including KG children at an affordable rate. The vehicles run in specific routes and parents may get the information from school office regarding the routes and rates.

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